Looks for enriched DNA regions targeted for cleavage by the CRISPR system
nontarget = GRanges(),
PAM = c("NAG", "NGG"),
mismatches = 7,
cutsiteFromPAM = 3,
min_breaks = 2,
standard_chromosomes = TRUE,
bsgenome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38",
scale_nontarget = FALSE,
seed = 666,
cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
verbose = TRUE
- target
GRanges object with coordinates of breaks in the targeted library, or a character with the path to a bed file.
- nontarget
GRanges object with coordinates of breaks in the non-targeted library, or the path to a bed file. Default: empty GRanges() object, which is equivalent to not having a control library.
- guide
character vector with the guide RNA sequence.
character vector with the sequence of the protospacer adjacent motif(s).
- mismatches
numeric, mismatches allowed between the guide and the genomic sequence.
- cutsiteFromPAM
distance of the cutsite from the PAM.
- min_breaks
minimum number of breaks in the cutsite to be considered for the analysis.
- standard_chromosomes
logical, constrain the analysis to standard chromosomes only (defaults to TRUE).
- bsgenome
character, bsgenome to use (eg. BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38).
- eFDR
logical, estimate the empirical false discovery rate.
- scale_nontarget
logical, scale the nontarget library to the size of the target library. Useful if target and nontarget libraries were sequenced at different depths. Defaults to FALSE.
- seed
numeric, seed for random number generator. Disable with NA.
- cores
Use multiple cores. Defaults to 2 cores, and the function won't benefit of adding >2. Nevertheless, the speedup with 2 cores is considerable.
- verbose
logical, keep informing about every step.
a GRanges object with the coordinates of the enriched regions, with number of breaks detected, the cut site, the enrichment over the non-targeted library and the p-value of the statistical test.
## this is needed only for the package to install
if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", quietly=TRUE)) {
offtargets <- breakinspectoR(
target =system.file("extdata/vegfa.chr6.bed.gz", package="breakinspectoR"),
nontarget=system.file("extdata/nontarget.chr6.bed.gz", package="breakinspectoR"),
PAM =c("NGG", "NAG"),
bsgenome ="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38",
#> Setting seed for random number generation...
#> done
#> Loading BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38...
#> done
#> Importing breaks...
#> done
#> Obtaining sequence context...
#> done
#> Filtering out candidates without PAM or too many mismatches...
#> done
#> Counting breaks at each offtarget region...
#> done
#> Calculating probabilities...
#> done